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Melville City Climate Action Network (MCCAN)

Join us in acting locally to reduce carbon emissions within the City of Melville

Children, young people and adults are increasingly worried and stressed about the future with the Climate Emergency.

Children who see the adults in their life taking action to address the climate emergency, feel more hopeful about the world and their future - even more so if they also get involved.

While it can seem complex and overwhelming, the best antidote is actually quite simple - take some action and we are here to help!

We are your neighbours and fellow travellers on the journey of trying to make changes to our own behaviour, influence the City of Melville Council and the State & Federal Governments, to support households to make the necessary changes to drive down carbon emissions.


We will hold activities to help implement the Community Climate Action Plan.

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Photo credit Centre for Climate Safety

As community members, we recognise that climate change is real and the threat is significant.  If we do not drastically take action now, the world's climate will become increasingly more uncomfortable and dangerous to live in and our children will inherit an increasingly unstable world, with severe weather conditions and potential ecological collapse.  

We believe local councils can play a major role in responding to the climate emergency and mobilising local populations. Local governments have significant opportunities and the power to invest in services and infrastructure to help combat the climate emergency.  Successes in local communities can spread to other councils and to state and federal government levels.


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The information on this website is general in nature. We recommend you seek independent advice applicable to your individual circumstances.

We acknowledge the Bibbulmun people as the Traditional Owners of the land on which Melville stands today and pay respects to the Whadjuk people, and Elders past, present and emerging.

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